Hiking to the inner voice

Let go of everyday life! Hike together with Verena Bischof in the silence of nature some special places, where we have a wonderful opportunity to get more in touch with our inner nature. Accompanied by our coach Manuela Sherina Bischof, we get impulses to get in touch with our inner voice and let the thoughts move into the background.

Duration: 10:00 a.m. to approx. 04:00 p.m.
Walking time/difference in altitude: approx. 3 hours/ approx. 340 m
Meeting point: 10:00 a.m. Parking opposite the Gasthaus Zimba
Costs: € 108,00 per person (member) / € 118,00 (no member)
Equipment: Ankle-high mountain boots with profile sole, Backpack with min. 1 L liquid, Sun and rain protection, hiking poles (if available) and Seat pad
Registration: here

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Hiking to the inner voice

  • Details

    Organization Wanderführerin

    Ort 6884 Damüls

    Start 10:00

  • Repeating event

    • 20.09.2024

    Further dates

Hiking to the inner voice



    • Damüls
    • Parking opposite the Gasthaus Zimba
    Plan route